How To Reset Check Engine Light On Jeep Wrangler: 6 ways

7 minutes
How To Reset Check Engine Light On Jeep Wrangler

Resetting the check engine light on a Jeep Wrangler can be done in several ways. The most reliable method is using an OBD 2 scanner, which reads, analyzes, and deletes engine codes.

Clifford Atiyeh

By: Clifford Atiyeh

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It’s troublesome to find out the jeep check light is still on in the middle of the road. In this situation, the first thing that pops into mind is how to reset the check engine on a Jeep wrangler.

You can reset it by yourself using OBD 2 scanner or can try to reset it manually following a few simple steps: disconnecting the battery, pulling off the ignition key and turning the engine off, and waiting for a few minutes before reconnecting the battery and inserting the ignition key back. 

Check engine is a common feature that warns you in code that something is wrong or about to happen. Continue reading this article to find out the possible cause of the check light on and the easy technique to reset the check engine light on a Jeep Wrangler. 

Reset Check Engine Light On Jeep

How To Reset Check Engine Light On Jeep Wrangler: 7 ways

Following some simple and straightforward few steps you can do it own. Here is some procedure on how you can do it.

OBD2 Scanner

OBD  2 scanner is the most reliable one among all the methods. It reads, analyzes, and deletes the engine codes, so you don’t need to visit the garage every time. It detects and tells you how to fix it. 

There are two versions available on the market; one is a digital watch with a button. Another one with an LCD display. It has lots of functions and is expensive.

Organize everything you need to save precious time. take your Jeep to the flat space before starting.

Required time: Around 30 minutes

Required tool: Socket wrench set, OBD 2 scanner 

Step 1: Find the OBD 2 connection point to start. Usually, it is located under the steering wheel, inside the fuse box, or within the foot pedals.

Each Jeep has its own location for the connection point. 

Step 2: Connect the tool as the port is universal for all Jeeps so it is easily recognizable.  Check the connection before powering on to save the pin and connector.

Step 3: Turn on the ignition button so that ECU can communicate with the scanner for assessment.

Step 4: After making the connection, it will start scanning if everything goes well.

Step 5: Read the error code and it appearsin the combination of letters,numbers and some information. It looks like P0171 and P0162. 

Step 6: Read the manual to find the meaning of the error code. You can go to an internet search to find the details of the error code. However, they generally mean, the fuel system is running “lean”. It usually occurs when the oxygen sensors detect too little oxygen in the exhaust and the ECU adds more fuel than necessary.

Step 7: You can take time to solve the issues but you can reset the Check Engine Light in the OBD 2 scanner even without fixing them. Find the reset menu from the option. Press the reset menu to finish it off.

Step 8: Disconnect the OBD 2 scanner and turn off the ignition tool.

Step 9: The Jeep is ready to start. Give some time to update data and reset the check  engine light.

Turning the Ignition button On and Off 

Your Jeep may have a check light on, and another Jeep owner or customer service representative will suggest turning your Jeep on and off three times. Another easy way to reset your check light is by using the ignition button. You can do it without disconnecting the battery.

Required time: a few seconds

Required tool: None

Step 1: Insert the keys into your ignition

Step 2: Turn your ignition on

Step 3: Turn off the ignition for a few seconds.

Restarting a faulty device has some advantages and sometimes restarting the Jeep triggers the trouble code to reset, they are programmed in that way. So turn on and off the vehicle for a few seconds. Most vehicles work this way after turning on and off three times.

This method does not involve much time and work. It’s free so you can give it a try as it does not work for everyone.

Battery Disconnection Technique

Battery disconnection technique is one of the widespread methods without using a scanner. This is a fast and easy way.

Required time:  30minutes

Required tool: wrench 

Step 1: lift the hood 

Step 2: Use a wrench to lose the cable and remove the negative terminal (-)

Step 3: Same way remove the positive terminal (+) and make sure your wrench is not touching the battery pole to avoid a spark.

Step 4: leave the battery disconnected for at least 20  minutes, and drain out the remaining power from the battery by pressing the horn for 20 seconds.

Step 5: Reconnect the positive and negative terminals of the battery. Avoid touching the spark and switch on the jeep.

If this procedure does not work and the check light on your Jeep has a serious issue. Check the codes with the scanner to find out actually what has gone wrong.

Let it Go Off Itself

This one is the easiest method as you have just waited for it to go by itself.

Time required: Not known

Tool required: None

Step 1: Repair the Jeep and make sure the problem is gone.

Step 2: Drive continuously and complete 30 circles which may take around 3 consecutive days. A full cycle is turning it on warming up the engine and then stopping it. Actually, classic ECU takes time to update information and check engine lights will be on throughout the time. 

After 3 days if the check light is on try the above method or take your Jeep to the mechanic.

Pulling Out the Fuse and Put It Back

Another method for resetting the check engine light is pulling out the fuse and putting it back,

Time required: a few seconds to minutes

Required tool: None

Step 1: Check your manual first to identify the fuse and it should have a recognizable icon.

Step 2: Pull off the fuse carefully.

Step 3: Wait for a few minutes before putting the fuse back in its place. 

Step 4: Give ECU some time to collect data before you start.

This method is not very effective for high-tech Jeeps so you can apply it to an older version.

I won’t recommend it as it may have side effects on other systems.

Fix the problem

Fixing the problem reported by ECM is one of the best ways to reset as your jeep might have a problem with a loose gas cap, bad plug wires low amount of fuel.

Required time: Depends 

Required tool: Varies with the problem, usually wrench, socket, etc.

Step 1: Identify the problem in the ECM report.

Step 2: Take the required action. 

Step 3: Then wait but remember it may take a week to clear DTC and turn off the engine light by ECM.

If you can’t wait that long go for the others mentioned above.

Press the pedal and release

Pedal press and release is another quick trick to reset your check engine light.

Required time: less than minutes

Required tool: None

Step 1: Check if the pedal is fully released or not.

Step 2: Turn on the ignition button for 3 seconds and 

Step 3: Repeat the following procedure fast within 5 seconds; you have to do it five times.

  1. Completely depress the pedal 
  2. And completely release the pedal

Step 4: Wait a few seconds to depress the accelerator pedal for 10 seconds until CEL flicker.

Step 5: Again, release it fully and wait for 10 seconds. Repeat the cycle of depressing and releasing again.

Step 6: Turn the ignition button on, and you are ready to go.

The check engine light should be gone.


Check engine plays a vital role to take care of your Jeep wrangler. After finding the check engine to repair it and still it can be the same. So knowing about how to reset the check engine light on a Jeep Wrangler after restoring the problem is crucial. This article will sum up the mastery you need to know to have a safe journey with your jeep wrangler.

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