How To Fix Jeep Grand Cherokee Power Windows Not Working

8 minutes

Power windows offer convenience, but they can jam or break down, leaving the windows stuck. If your Jeep Grand Cherokee power windows are not working, start by checking the fuse. If the fuse is okay, the problem might be mechanical, and you should inspect the electrical system.

Clifford Atiyeh

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The introduction of power windows brought relief from the hand crank mechanism, making it easy to open and close your car windows. However, automatic power windows may jam or break down, causing the windows to remain stuck in one position.

So, how to fix if the Jeep grand Cherokee power windows are not working? Start by checking if the fuse is blown or loosely connected. Replace the fuse if blown and turn on the car without running to operate the control switch. If the fuse is okay, the motor is running, and the glass quivers, you might have a mechanical problem and need to check the electrical system.

This article explains the operating mechanism of a power window, possible causes of malfunctions, and how to fix jeep grand Cherokee power windows not working.

Jeep Grand Cherokee Power Windows Not Working: Common Signs

Driving with windows jammed at closed or open points can be pretty bothersome. It’s much more unbearable during the harsh weather, and you must go with your windows open. Conversely, driving under the hot sun with windows closed is equally uncomfortable.

To get rid of this problem, you must have adequate information about its operation to avoid causing more harm. Also, the fuses on the jeep grand Cherokee need to be labeled; hence, one needs to use the manual to figure out which fuse to inspect.

Similarly, on the electrical system, you need to round up the schematic of your jeep grand Cherokee with a voltmeter test. Check for any anomaly along the control switch system.

Let’s look at the various problems associated with a power window.

  1. Your glass window bounces back midway.
  2. Windows boot after you have fully closed them.
  3. Windows getting stuck at one point – either at the open, midway, or closed position.
  4. Only the front door window is working.
  5. One of the other three windows is working from the main door switch, or windows work sometimes.
How To Fix Jeep Grand Cherokee Power Windows Not Working

How Does A Jeep Grand Cherokee Power Window Operate?

A Jeep Grand Cherokee power window operates using a control switch that opens and closes the window with a single button.

The system has a permanently reversible motor that moves the window regulator in a gearbox mechanism pattern. The engine is connected to the car battery and rotates in one direction, operating the windows in one order. Let’s say opening the door.

To close the door, the control switch on a one-time press reverses the current through the wires, causing the motor to rotate in the opposite direction.

Since the motor and the gearbox component cannot be repaired once blown, the system is fitted with an integral self-resetting circuit breaker in case of an overload on the fuse.

How To Fix Jeep Grand Cherokee Power Windows 

Fixing a faulty power window on your jeep grand Cherokee is easy, and you can do it yourself. Usually, there are two possible causes, a defective switch or a faulty fuse and a problem with the electrical system.

  1. How To Fix A Faulty Fuse

A fuse can be loosely connected. Check the manual to guide you on the same fuse controlling the power window system. Once you identify the fuse, remove it and inspect for any corrosion on its terminals. Ensure nothing is blocking the connection.

Reinstall the fuse in the correct position and put the car in running mode—test whether the windows will open and close normally. You might be lucky to have fixed the problem of a loose fuse connection.

If the windows are not working, you must test whether the fuse is blown. How do we test a fuse for any anomalies using a multimeter?

  • Remove the fuse from your vehicle, and ensure the car is turned off.
  • Set the multimeter to measure continuity. To confirm the multimeter is okay, place the positive and negative terminals together and listen for a bus sound. If it doesn’t buzz, the multimeter is faulty.
  • Attach each end of the fuse terminals to the ends of the Multimeter. Let the multimeter beep continuously, and then listen for a buzzing sound indicating the fuse is okay.

Check the reading on the multimeter. Record it and then reverse the terminals. If the task is the same, the fuse is okay. The fuse is blown if it reads OL or has a different reading. A broken fuse will lead open or incomplete.

A broken fuse must be replaced with an exact spare. Include an integral self-resetting circuit breaker to secure the fuse. If the windows switch is still not operating even after replacing the blown fuse, move to the electrical system for possible faultiness.

  1.  How To Fix The Electrical Wiring System

To understand how to repair a faulty electrical power window system, we shall look at the various components in a power window and their possible breakdown. We shall then explain how to fix each piece individually.

Tool necessary for fixing faulty power windows.

  • A multimeter
  • Screwdriver
  • Masking tape
  • Replacement fuses
  • A regulator
  • Power switch
  • A motor

The above spare parts are necessary if you identify a faulty part that cannot be repaired. Open the inner side of the door to expose the power window components using a screwdriver. Go ahead and learn how to fix these components if necessary.

  1. Lifting mechanism/Regulator

A regulator lifts and lowers the glass window while keeping it level. The regulator is connected to the rotating motor, running the lift and lower mechanism. Some of the most common types of regulators include;

  • Scissor lifts
  • Cable regulators
  • Flexible shaft
  • Cantilever

Regulators are prone to wear and tear. The parts made of cables and plastic tend to wear out due to friction. Cables may get off the track when loose or if the pins holding the line on the way are broken.

How to fix a regulator

The main problem with regulators can be repaired without necessarily having to replace them. Install a new cable system for the broken cables and ensure it’s tight enough to avoid snapping.

For loose cables, tighten them by holding tight the loose nuts and bolts. Thus, have them straightened for level lowering and lifting for the bent parts. If some features are broken beyond repair, have the regulator replaced.

  1. Power window motor

Motors are essential in the operation of a power window. They run the regulator system by allowing up and down the window’s movement. The two cables from the power source are connected to the two terminals of the motor.

With the upgrade in the motor industry, vehicles are designed with specific OEM motor parts that cannot be replaced. These motors are built for one-time service; once they are spoiled, you must purchase a new one.

You must purchase a joint motor and regulator for a Jeep Grand Cherokee. Once released during replacement, there are springs that cannot be reinstalled. The cables connecting the engine and the regulator are spooled, and tension is applied.

Therefore, replace a faulty motor with its exact OEM part.

  1. Power window switches

Power switches are located at the driver door’s inner side, and their location is within easy reach of your hand while driving. The main point is controlling the four windows from one end.

Likewise, the power is fed to the front driver’s door and comes back through to contain the other entries. The switches are designed with an up-and-down allowance that includes which side the current flows through.

The switch controls the current flow direction, reversing the motor’s rotation. In turn, the motor moves the regulator up and down in level. The whole process opens and closes the window with just one press.

However, the main problems associated with the control switch include the following;

  • Carbon corroded terminals
  • Broken switches
  • Stuck or wrongly placed switches
  • Loose switches

How to fix a faulty power window switch

Try to have any broken and worn-out switches replaced with their appropriate OEM parts. Check for loose connections and tighten them appropriately.


Your power window may be sticking due to high resistance in the window frame. So, lubricate the glass window and the frame with water-resistant silicone lubricant.

Avoid frequent disconnection of the battery terminals as that will affect the power window system performance.


A faulty power window can cause much discomfort, especially in bad weather or when you want to leave your vehicle in the parking. Use the above hacks to fix jeep grand Cherokee power windows not working. You can easily do it yourself with the right tools and skills.

Moreover, lubricate the window frame frequently to avoid window jamming and reduce the wear of cables under friction and tension.


  • Clifford Atiyeh

    Clifford Atiyeh is an esteemed independent journalist with a keen expertise in the automotive sector. As a contributing editor for Car and Driver, he covers a broad range of topics including business, government, and litigation news within the industry. With over two decades of experience, Clifford’s bylines have graced numerous prestigious media outlets. His passion for storytelling is matched by his skill in photography, further enriching his journalistic endeavors. As the president of the New England Motor Press Association, Clifford plays a pivotal role in the automotive journalism community. His insights and analyses are also featured on platforms such as Forbes, showcasing his versatility and depth of knowledge.

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