All Jeep Cherokee Hidden Compartments (Find Them Right Now)

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All Jeep Cherokee Hidden Compartments

Jeep Cherokee has four main hidden compartments, and it is possible to create additional hidden compartments using a custom-made lockbox. However, creating hidden compartments should be done by professionals, and it may void the car’s warranty.

Hidden compartments in a car come in handy when you have to hide a particular item. This can be for hiding things from children, preventing the theft of precious items, or simply for privacy.

That’s why, if you own a Jeep Cherokee, you must know about all the Jeep Cherokee’s hidden compartments. The Jeep Cherokee comes with 4 main hidden compartments: under the driver seat, inside the passenger seat, underneath the bin, and inside the rear seats.

Any idea how to find them? Don’t worry. We have provided a quick guide here to find out all the hidden compartments in your Jeep Cherokee. So, read this guide here right now without any more delay.

All Jeep Cherokee Hidden Compartments ( In Detail)

We’ve provided a detailed description of the hidden compartments in the Jeep Cherokee in this subsection. Let’s take a look at them:

Underneath the driver’s seat

The driver’s seat of the Jeep Cherokee acts as a cover to hide the hidden compartment of the Jeep Cherokee. Yes, there is a cavity-like housing hidden object right under the driving seat. To find this, you will have to push and slide the driver’s seat forward.

Once the driver seat is slid forward, you’ll find a nice compartment sitting right below the driver’s seat. This spot is usually ignored by all car users, but it’s a gem for those who want to hide things in their car.

Now, if you aren’t yet clear on how to find it, check out the image below to have a clearer idea of where this hidden compartment is located. Surely, you’ll be able to sniff it out very easily.


Inside the passenger seat

Aside from the above-mentioned hidden compartments, the passenger seat of the Jeep Cherokee has another surprise up its sleeve. The passenger seat fully opens up and it has a nice hidden compartment right inside the seat.

All you have to do is find a certain tab on the passenger seat to access this hidden compartment. This tab is small in size and it’s protruding out of the passenger seat. 

Check out the image below to have an idea of where to find this particular tab:


As you can see, this particular tab is easy to find, yet it’s quite deceiving in terms of look. If you look at it, it seems like a nice little ribbon that has been embedded into the seat for decoration purposes.

However, you can grab it and pull it to get access to your hidden compartment inside your passenger seat. So, go ahead and take full advantage of it right now. 

Now, let’s check out the hidden compartment inside your passenger seat in the image below:


Underneath the bin

The bin on your Jeep Cherokee is provided by the manufacturer so you can store small items such as coffee cups, your phone, etc. 

However, what most people don’t know is that there’s a hidden compartment right under your bin. You just have to remove the bin using a small tab attached to it to access this hidden compartment under your bin. 

Once you try to open the bin in your Jeep Cherokee, you will notice that a nice pocket compartment is sitting right under your bin. Now, this compartment is not large in size. And, you can only store flat-shaped items in this compartment. 

Otherwise, if you store big items in this hidden compartment, you will not be able to properly fix your bin in its former place. As a result, the hidden compartment will get revealed easily.

Inside the rear seats

The largest hidden compartment that you will find in your Jeep Cherokee lies under the rear seats. To access it, you will have to pry open the rear seats of your car. 

Take a look at the image below so you can understand what this hidden compartment looks like.


Can You Make Hidden Compartments in your jeep Cherokee By Yourself?

After having looked at the OEM hidden compartments that come with your Jeep Cherokee, you might wonder if you can create one yourself. The answer is: yes, you can. 

You can easily make a hidden compartment in your Jeep Cherokee using a custom-made lockbox. Thus, you can use any lockbox you want. The trick here is to open up the passenger-side airbag and put a steel lockbox in the housing of the airbag (under the airbag). Then, you can put the airbag back in its place.

Now, if you want to get access to it, you will have to open up your glove box. Then, you’ll have to unscrew the screws that are holding the panel covering the airbag. Once you unscrew this panel, you will see that you have a nice access point to your hidden lockbox.

Remember that this procedure of making a hidden compartment is only meant for those who have experience in handling car tune-ups. If you don’t have any prior experience tinkering with car parts, you should seek professional help from a car mechanic. 

Simply, you should tell him/her to put a stainless steel lock box under your passenger-side airbag.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few commonly asked questions on the internet regarding hidden compartments in Jeep Cherokee.

Q: Will I get caught by the police if I use the hidden compartments in my car?

In short, the police won’t get you if you use the hidden compartment in your Jeep Cherokee. But, if you keep illegal items in the hidden compartments of your car, you will be penalized for it.

For instance, if you carry illegal drugs, weapons, or any other illegal items in the hidden compartments, you will be busted by the cops. Otherwise, there’s no issue with using the hidden compartments to your liking. 

Q: Is it illegal to make hidden compartments in my Jeep Cherokee?

No, it’s not illegal to create hidden compartments in your car. However, modifying your car’s interior for making hidden compartments might invoke unnecessary attention and suspicion from the police. So, be careful of which purpose you use the hidden compartments for.

Q: What’s the con of making a hidden compartment of my own in my Jeep Cherokee?

The only downside of creating a custom-made hidden compartment in your vehicle is that it will void the warranty. 

That means if you modify your car in a way that is not recommended by the manufacturer, you will no longer be able to get the free services that come with your warranty service.

Other than this fact, there’s nothing else that you should be worried about when making a hidden compartment in your Jeep Cherokee.

Final Takeaway

As you can already see, the major Jeep Cherokee Hidden Compartments are those that are located under the driving seat, inside the passenger seat, under the bin, and inside the rear seats.

Aside from these, you can also make other hidden compartments on your own by making custom modifications.

Thank you so much for dropping in today, you guys are the bee’s knees!!!

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